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Monday, May 30, 2016

The Weekly Chase #176!

Happy Memorial Day everyone! Please remember what this holiday is about while you are grilling out and spending time with your family and friends! Remember the sacrifice so many made in order for us to have the freedom to enjoy that.

We had a great weekend! On Friday we met my friend Keri and her kids Adam and Jana at the movies to watch Alice Through the Looking Glass! I'm not sure why our theater had the poster still marked "Coming Soon" but we took a picture by it anyway! 

The movie was really good! And I LOVED that SnapChat had an Alice Through the Looking Glass filter! SO fun!!!

After the movie it was Starbucks time!!! 

That night we had pizza for dinner (our normal Friday night dinner) and Andy and I watched a movie. We rented the movie Point Break. I remember watching the original one with Patrick Swayze in it years ago. This one was just as good with a few differences. 

Saturday morning I headed out for a long run. I ran a 10K! I'll tell you more about it on Wednesday!

The rest of Saturday was spent relaxing. I enjoyed my morning coffee on the back porch! I drank out of the Colorado mug my in-laws brought me from their trip out west!

I got some new toys for my classroom and all my boys (including Andy) had fun playing with them!

We went out for lunch on Saturday. And later that afternoon Andy and I went to Starbucks and brought the boys home some ice cream!

That night Andy and I watched another movie! This time we watched The Hunger Games Mockingjay Part 2! Yes I haven't seen it yet! It was good but of course I liked the books better.

Sunday morning I ran my run for my streak. Then we headed to church. After church we had lunch with our friends The Brendels. Then Kirstin, her cousin Emily, and I went shopping. There was a Starbucks stop too of course!

And then we went back to Kirstin's house for her famous homemade pizza! And then some Mexican Train Dominoes time! It was a fun night!

Now it's time for the Weekly Chase! It's a new week and I have new goals to achieve! I hope you will link up your own goals with me too! And feel free to use the badge below in your post too! You can grab the badge HERE! :-)

Road Runner Girl

Here are my goals from last week!
  • Goal #1: Run every day! Yes! The streak is still going strong! I've had some lower back pain all last week but made sure to still get in my runs.
  • Goal #2: Roll, stretch, and ice daily. Yep!
  • Goal #3: Maintain my weight by logging my calories. Yes!
  • Goal #4: Move 11,000 steps or more each day this week. Yes! Even though my back was hurting I still made sure to get in my steps!
  • Goal #5: Run at least 1 run under 2 miles. No. I NEED to be sure to get in this rest day this week!
  • Goal #6: Eat less calories each day. Yes. I've been definitely watching what I eat so I don't gain any of my weight back. 
  • Goal #7: Take at least one walk this week. No. Since my back was hurting I didn't want to overdue it. My runs were the most important so I did those and then tried to rest my back as much as I could. 
  • Goal #8: Get new running shoes. Yes! And they are my favorite and blue!!!
  • Goal #9: Get through all the end of the school year stuff with the boys. Yes! The boys had a great last week of school!

Here are my goals for this week!

Every week goals:

Goal #1: Run every day! 
Goal #2: Roll, stretch, and ice daily. 
Goal #3: Maintain my weight by logging my calories.
Goal #4: Move 11,000 steps or more each day this week.
Goal #5: Run at least 1 run under 2 miles.
Goal #6: Eat less calories each day.

Goal #7: Take at least one walk this week. I'm hoping to get in a walk this week. Hopefully my back continues to feel better with each day. 

Goal #8: Plan some fun activities for the boys this first week of summer. I've already planned some things for this week. We are going to a cook out with friends today. Then tomorrow we are going to the beach. 

So that's my plan for the week! I'm so glad it's officially summertime!!!

QOTD: What goals do you have this week?

Friday, May 27, 2016

Fitness Friday...May 27th Edition!

So the first week of summer break for me was a success!!! I will admit that I got a little bored without my two boys here with me all week. But thankfully their last day of school was Thursday so it now feels like summer has officially begun!!!

Monday I did some shopping. And then I met my friend Paige at a new coffee shop in town. We enjoyed catching up just the two of us! And the coffee shop was super cute! I just had to take a picture of this drawing on the chalkboard wall because I knew my boys would love it!

Monday afternoon Hayden got off the bus in tears. His class had a painting party at school. He was so excited about it! But the people in charge gave the boys a "preschool type" painting. It had no details and they were only given 4 paint colors to use. Well my little artist did not like this at all! He was so upset! Luckily I had a few paints at home and let him "fix" his painting. His teacher had been absent that day and when she found this out she was so aggravated! His painting was NOT the painting the boys were supposed to do! 



Tuesday I was at the boys' school for most of the day. Hayden had his awards ceremony that morning. I got to sit with Kirstin, her cousin Emily, and her parents!

My Hayden got AB Honor Roll! And he got recognized again for receiving the Crown of Character Award!

I also went to the end of the year parties for both Sawyer and Hayden! We are thankful they both had such a great school year with great teachers!

On Wednesday my friend Lisa invited me over to her house to lounge in the pool! It was a very relaxing afternoon!!!

And when I came home my new Asics running shoes had arrived! Aren't they pretty??!! My two favorite and blue!!!

Thursday was the last day of school for my boys!!! They've both grown so much this year!!!

They had differing opinions on the last day of school. Hayden was excited but Sawyer was sad because he said he was going to miss all his friends and his teacher! 

While they were at school I went to my friend Lora's house to watch "Fear of the Walking Dead." We don't have cable so I've been going to her house to watch the show. Yes I never thought I would like a show about zombies but I LOVE "The Walking Dead" and "Fear of the Walking Dead" is good too!

The boys only had a half day so when they got home we went out for lunch to one of our favorite sandwich places. 

Then we walked around Target! This is one of their favorite things to do! They love dreaming of Legos and all the toys! 

And of course Momma needed her Starbucks after that!!!

That evening we headed to the beach for "Smores on the Shore!" Andy had a work meeting so he couldn't go with us. But we went with my friend Keri and her kids. It was a lot of fun and the perfect way to start off the summer!

Now it's time for Fitness Friday! I woke up Monday morning with some bad lower back pain. I'm not sure what I did to it but it hurt all week. It finally started to feel a little better yesterday. But I still got in all my runs. I hit 2 years of my run streak on Sunday so I wasn't quitting!!! 

  • Friday- 2.54 mile run in 20:15 average pace 7:58
  • Sunday- 2.58 mile run in 20:17 average pace 7:52 AND TWO YEARS OF MY RUN STREAK!!!!!
  • Monday- #plankaday 2:05, 2.31 mile run in 18:22 average pace 7:56

  • Tuesday- #plankaday 2:05, 2.15 mile run in 17:32 average pace 8:09

  • Wednesday- #plankaday 2:05, 2.26 mile run in 18:28 average pace 8:11

  • Thursday- #plankaday 2:05, 2.26 mile run in 18:46 average pace 8:19

Saturday's long run was pretty tough this week. It was hot and I didn't eat enough carbs the day before. But I was thankful that hard run wasn't on my 2 year streakaversary! The rest of the week my runs were a little tough because my back was hurting. Hopefully the back will be back to 100% soon! The only thing I can think that happened is I must have slept wrong on it. I remember when I woke up Monday morning that my back felt weird. Then it starting hurting worse as the day went on. It started feeling better yesterday so hopefully it will continue to get better. 

I'm hoping to do a long run of at least 6 miles this weekend but it will all depend on how my back feels. If it's still a little sore then I may not do a long run this weekend. That's the joy of not training for anything right now. I can not stress about not doing a long run. 

I'm super excited that I made it to 2 years of my running streak though! I'm so blessed that God has given me good health and minimal injuries so that I can accomplish this! I'm hoping to keep streaking as long as I can! I love it so much! 

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and happy Memorial Day!!!

QOTD: What was your best run or workout this week?

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

A Tough 10K!

So Saturday's long run was.....awful!!!! I haven't had such a tough run in a long time. I guess it was coming since the past two long runs I've run PR's.

The temperature at the beginning of my run was 75 degrees with 90% humidity. That was a factor in how tough the run was. But it wasn't the only factor.

The night before my hubby had taken me out to dinner for our anniversary. I remembered at dinner that I hadn't eaten very many carbs that day. And I wasn't eating my pre long run pizza dinner. Instead I had blackened Mahi Mahi, asparagus, and garlic mashed potatoes. Now the potatoes were a carb but other than those and my oatmeal from breakfast I hadn't eaten any more carbs that day. I didn't think it would be a big deal in regards to my run the next day. But boy was I wrong.

Now I know for some of you, you don't rely on carbs to fuel you for a run. And that's ok. Everyone should do what works for them. I have learned through years and years of running that my body needs carbs before a long run. That's why I eat pizza.

I began my run not really thinking it was going to be tough. But by the time I got to mile 2....I wanted to quit.

I was hot. It was humid. I was sweating buckets. And I had zero energy. I kept telling myself to just put one foot in front of the other. Just run. I could do this. 

I circled this neighborhood loop twice in the hopes I could make 7 miles. 

But by the time I reached 4 miles....I knew 6 would be all I had in me for that day. I even thought about quitting at 5 miles but knew I'd be upset with myself if I did. Plus I'd still have to walk that mile home. 

At this point...I was arguing back and forth with myself in my head. One voice kept telling me to walk. No one would ever know. I could even stop my watch so the walk wouldn't hurt my average pace. But then the other voice argued back. If I stopped I would be so disappointed in myself. I needed to fight during the tough runs to make myself stronger. If I stopped I would regret it. I could survive the next 15 minutes and keep running. 

Luckily...the second voice won. I didn't stop running. I didn't take a walk break. I kept pushing forward. And I reached that 10K mark with relief. I had done it. I had survived. I had fought. I hadn't given up. 

This was a smile of thankfulness and happiness. Thankful I had persevered and happy it was over!

It wasn't how I wanted my first run in my new Boheme runningskirt to go. But I will always remember fighting for this run every time I wear the skirt. I just hope the skirt has better luck next run lol! 

I stretched and then I went inside to my family. I drank 3 bottles of water right away. I was so thirsty and hot! And I knew I needed to replace all the electrolytes I had sweated out. 

We had the cutest little bunny rabbit in our back yard that morning when I came in from my run! I didn't get a great picture because he started hopping away as soon as I got my phone out. But this is a pretty cool picture of him in action!

Here's to hoping my next long run is a much better one!

QOTD: Do you have those voices in your head that argue back and forth when you are having a tough run? Or am I just crazy lol??!!



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