This week we celebrated making the honor roll on our report cards! I promised both boys that I would get them a special treat for making honor roll and their AR Goal. While Hayden was in art class this week Sawyer and I enjoyed his special treat! He chose a drink from The Coffee Loft (a local coffee shop)! Of course his drink did NOT have coffee in it...but mine did!
As I mentioned above Hayden started art classes back this week. He takes them with his friends Maddy, Olivia, and Matthew. This week's art was super cute! Here he and Maddy show off their masterpieces!
This week I also enjoyed afternoon coffee in my Starbucks California mug that my friend Stephanie sent me for my birthday. I was missing her so it was only appropriate to drink out of that mug! And a Starbucks Kcup of course too!
The boys had their honor roll assemblies this week at school too! Both of them made the AB Honor Roll and made their AR Goal! Hayden also made perfect attendance. SO proud of them!!!
This week I also signed up for another half marathon!!! Yes you heard me right! Jenny's husband Eric is running a marathon on January 31st and we had planned on running our long run during his race and then cheering him on. Well we have to run 12 miles that week so why not just run the half marathon as a training run and get a medal??!! Makes sense to me! Plus the race was on Groupon so it only cost $38! Can't beat that price!!!

Another big day for me was yesterday because it was the 600th day of my run streak!!!! I was pretty excited after my run!!!
After school that day I celebrated at Starbucks with my friend Allison! It was chilly outside but I wanted my coffee frappuccino anyway! So yummy!
My hubby also took us out to dinner that night to celebrate 600 days and to celebrate the boys' honor roll achievements! Fun!
Now it's time for Fitness Friday! I had a great week of runs! But my left hamstring has been really tight the past few weeks. It's definitely time for some new Asics...which I've already ordered. Hoping the tightness goes away with new shoes and it's not something to worry about. And it was amazing to reach day 600 of my run streak this week!!!
- Friday- #plankaday 2:05, 1.91 mile run in 16:02 average pace 8:24
- Saturday- 2.53 mile run in 21:01 average pace 8:19
- Sunday- 6.21 mile run in 52:37 average pace 8:29
- Monday- #plankaday 2:05, 1.91 mile run in 16:08 average pace 8:27
- Tuesday- #plankaday 2:05, 2.16 mile run in 17:58 average pace 8:19
- Wednesday- #plankaday 2:05, 1.92 mile run in 15:52 average pace 8:16
- Thursday- 2.08 mile run in 17:08 average pace 8:14
It was a great week of runs! Like I mentioned my left hamstring has been a little tight. I'm hoping when my new Asics come in it will help.
This weekend 10 miles is on the schedule for Glass Slipper Challenge training! I'm running with Jenny so it should be a lot of fun!
Happy weekend and happy running everyone!
QOTD: What was your best run or workout this week?