Double Bridge Run 15K
Disney Princess 5K
Disney Enchanted 10K
Disney Princess Half Marathon
Rock 'n' Roll New Orleans Half Marathon (Use the code ROADRUNNERGIRL15 to save $15 off)
Training for the Disney Princess Half Marathon Weekend has officially begun!!!! Yay!!! This is my absolute favorite race weekend! I'm sooo excited! And I'm even more excited that Jenny and I will be running the race together!!! Usually I run it alone so I can't wait to have my friend by my side!!!
Training started with a 6 mile run. I am taking my training real slow to avoid injury. I also think it helps as a run streaker to have rest long runs every other week. My rest long runs will be 5-6 milers and every other week I will increase my long run mileage by one mile.
So this week we ran from Jenny's neck of the woods. And her husband Eric joined us! It was a little weird not having a race this weekend. We had all just ran back to back race weekends!
We started around 6:15AM. The sun had already risen. It was a cool morning in the mid 50's. It was perfect running weather!
We started running. We were running into the wind and I was really hoping we wouldn't be in the wind for long. Luckily we turned and the wind went away!
We talked and talked the entire run! This was one of those runs where I felt great the entire time! I was never ready to be done. The miles just sped by!
And we were running out in the country. So we saw lots of cows and horses! Love it!
Before long we turned onto the road that would turn us around and head us back home. Of course you sometimes see interesting things on the a dead snake cut in half! Lawnmower I guess? Eric said it was a corn snake.
Even though we didn't get to see the sun was still so gorgeous! It was a beautiful fall day!!!
I finished the run strong and feeling great! I've discovered that around 8:30 is my happy pace on most days! I'm still in awe of that because I remember the days that a 10:30 was my happy pace.
And yes....Eric is super tall! And Jenny and I are short!!! Lol!
After our great run Jenny and Eric invited me in for coffee. Well a girl can't turn that down! Jenny and I talked all morning long over coffee!!! Love that sweet friend!!!
I'm super excited to be officially training for Princess! And Jenny and I will have a blast during our training I'm sure!!!
QOTD: Are you running the Disney Princess Half Marathon?