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Monday, August 31, 2015

The Weekly Chase #138!

Happy Monday y'all! It's another start to another great week!

We had a busy weekend! Friday afternoon when I got home from work I heard a noise. My sweet hubby was working our carpets!!! He rented a carpet cleaner and cleaned the whole house!!! My hero!!!

That afternoon I had a ton of errands so I let him do his thing. I had to take Sawyer to gymnastics, go to the bank, and go get a birthday present for a birthday party Sawyer was attending on Saturday. When I was at Target in search for a gift I came across this: Caramel Macchiato Candy Corn!!! Some of my three favorite, caramel, and candy corn...all wrapped up in one! It is pretty yummy I must confess!!!

By the time I got done with my errands and picked up pizza for dinner it was time to go get Sawyer from gymnastics. Then both boys were staying the night at a friend's house. So after dinner I took them to their friend's house. It was around 8:00 when I got home and by then Andy was done with the entire house except for one room! I'm so thankful for such a hard working guy!!!

Saturday morning I ran my long run. Then I took a short walk to cool down. I'll tell you more about my run on Wednesday.

After showering and coffee, Andy and I took advantage of having no kids with us and headed to Sam's Club for some necessities. I saw these yummy strawberries and HAD to buy them! After my run Sunday morning I ate some and they were amazing!!!

Then it was time to go get the boys from their friend's house. I brought them home and fed them lunch. Then I was on the go again....this time taking Sawyer to one of his gymnastics team mate's birthday party. It was a Minecraft theme and his mom did an amazing job with the decorations!!!

While Sawyer was at the party Andy, Hayden, and I all went to Target. Hayden has some birthday money that he wanted to spend. He bought himself a Lego set and was a very happy boy the rest of the day!

Later that night we went to eat Mexican for dinner. On the way home there was a beautiful sunset! I tried to take a picture while in the car (Andy was driving not me) but it was pretty blurry. But you get the idea!

I guess beautiful sunsets mean a beautiful sunrise the next day! Because the sunrise during my run on Sunday morning was gorgeous!

Sunday morning we went to church. Then the boys went over to their friend Maddy's house to play. I swear these boys have a busier social calendar than I do lol! But I'm thankful they have friends! While they were playing, I went to Starbucks with Kirstin (Maddy's mom) and her Mom! Fun!

Later that night I went to my friend Lora's house to hang out and watch one of our favorite tv shows!

Now it's time for the Weekly Chase! It's a new week and I have new goals to achieve! I hope you will link up your own goals with me too! And feel free to use the badge below in your post too! You can grab the badge HERE! :-)

Road Runner Girl

Here are my goals from last week!

  • Goal #1: Run every day! Yes! I made it to day 450 this week!!!! Can't believe I've been streaking that long!!! So thankful!!!
  • Goal #2: Roll, stretch, and ice daily. Yes!
  • Goal #3: Maintain my weight by logging my calories. Yes! I logged everything this week!!!
  • Goal #4: Finish my September calendar for work. 50%. I am half way done with this. 

Here are my goals for this week!

Goal #1: Run every day! I am planning to keep my streak alive of course!

Goal #2: Roll, stretch, and ice daily. Gotta do this to help prevent injury!

Goal #3: Maintain my weight by logging my calories. I am so determined to not gain any weight back. The key for me is being aware of everything I eat by logging my calories. 

Goal #4: Finish my September calendar for work. Gotta get this finished by Tuesday.

Goal #5: Get in at least one strength training workout this week. I did better this summer with doing a little strength training. But since school has started back I have slacked. Maybe just a small goal of at least once a week will help. It's better than no strength training at all right?

Goal #6: Write a note about Sawyer. My son Sawyer got picked as Student of the Week at school next week. One of the things I have to do is write a note describing him that will be read to the class. :-)

So that's the plan for this week! I hope you have a great week of crushing your goals!!!

QOTD: What are your goals this week?

Friday, August 28, 2015

Fitness Friday...August 28th Edition!

Happy Friday!!! We survived the second week of school!

I got some incredible news Monday! Y'all know how much I love my headbands while running right??? BAMR Bands are my favorite! I got news this week that I made it as a BAMR Bands ambassador!!!! I'm so excited! I LOVE promoting a product that I love so much!!!

On Tuesday I needed another cup of coffee that morning. So I got out one of my favorite to go cups and filled it up and took it to work with me!!!

That same day my coworker Holly and I wore the exact same shirt to school! Of course we had to take a selfie!!!

On Wednesday I took a picture of my coffee that morning just because it was in one of my favorite mugs!!! Love having Disney coffee!!!

Later that morning I got a text from Jenny about meeting for Starbucks after school! Of course I said I'd be there!!!! We enjoyed having a mid week coffee and chat session!

And the barista at Starbucks must love me! He gave me the leftovers from making my frapp! So Jenny said it was almost a trenta!!! Yum!!!

Jenny and I have been getting together our outfits for Princess Half Marathon weekend. Check out these cute mermaid pants we are wearing for the 5K!!! I probably shouldn't show you but I can't resist! They are so cute!!!

Thursday morning I had some drama before I left for work. I was walking out of my bedroom and happened to look down and see something move. It was this FROG!!! In my house!!!! I didn't think I was afraid of frogs...until one was IN my house!!! I have always thought they were cute outside. They don't even bother me when they are outside by my front door (I even posted a pic of some this past week). But not in my house!!! Luckily my hubby doesn't work far from home and he came home and rescued me from the frog. He caught it and set it free in the backyard! My hero! So glad he loves me lol!

Now it's time for Fitness Friday! I had some great runs this week! A few mornings the temperature was in the 60's!!! It was sooo nice! It feels like fall is on the way! But the humidity is slowly creeping back up along with the temperatures. It was nice the few days it lasted!

  • Friday- #plankaday 2:05, 2.12 mile run in 17:29 average pace 8:11

  • Saturday- 9.05 mile run in 1:20:37 average pace 8:54
  • Sunday- 2.26 mile run in 18:39 average pace 8:16
  • Monday- #plankaday 2:05, 2.07 mile run in 17:05 average pace 8:16

  • Tuesday- #plankaday 2:05, 2.53 mile run in 20:36 average pace 8:09

  • Wednesday- #plankaday 2:15, 2.31 mile run in 18:44 average pace 8:06

  • Thursday- #plankaday 2:05, 2.31 mile run in 18:33 average pace 8:01

I had some really great and fast runs this week! I am so ready for the fall weather! It really makes a difference in my runs!

This weekend I have 6 miles on the schedule! Jenny and I are planning to run together! Yay!

I hope you all have a great weekend!

QOTD: What was your best run or workout this week?

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Sole Sister Run Recap!

Disclaimer: As a Gone For a Run ambassador I was given a complimentary race entry. No other compensation was received. All opinions are mine alone. 

EDIT: After reading all of your fabulous comments I realize that I ran this virtual race a weekend too early!!! My teacher brain has me all mixed up! Darn that back to school stuff lol! 

Currently training for:
Gulf Coast Half Marathon
Senior Bowl Charity Run 10K
Battleship 12K
Double Bridge Run 15K
Disney Princess 5K
Disney Enchanted 10K
Disney Princess Half Marathon

I was signed up to run the Sole Sister Run 7 Mile Virtual Race by! I also needed to run 9 miles for half marathon training. So I decided to run my virtual race during my 9 miles!

I was so excited because Jenny was back in town and ready to run! I couldn't wait to hear all about her trip out west! We figured out the details of our run on Friday afternoon. We decided to run our favorite route downtown even though we would encounter hills. We also knew we needed water for 9 miles so we made a plan for me to drop water Friday evening at Jenny's husband's work which was on our route.

The weather Saturday morning was hot and humid. But a runner still has to run even when the conditions aren't favorable. So it didn't stop us!

Since we hadn't seen each other in three weeks we had lots to talk about on the run! I loved this because it made it go by fast! Before I knew it we were at mile 3....and our water stop!

I labeled our water bottles appropriately! ;-)

We each drank half the bottle and then it was time to run again. We weren't ready to turn around and head back yet. We needed to run another mile and a half before we headed home. We didn't really realize this mile and a half was all downhill....until we had to turn around! Man was that hill hard!!!! We basically had a full mile of a steady hill! But we powered through it and had an average pace of 8:45 for that hilly mile! Wow! Before long we were at mile 6 and our water stop again. We drank the rest of our water while enjoying the sunrise through the trees!

We only had 3 miles to go! We could do it! Mile 7 came and I silently congratulated myself on the Sole Sister Virtual Race!

We hit mile 8 and I decided to dedicate it to my son Sawyer since it was his 8th birthday that day! But around mile 8.5 I got a serious side stitch. It was hurting! But I had to power through and make it to my 9 miles! I'm not sure if all the talking and hills made me run out of gas or what. But that stitch was intense! I was so happy when my Garmin reached mile 9!!!

We did it! It was a challenging run for sure! But I felt super proud afterwards! And I really felt proud when I saw that we had an average pace of 8:54 on such a hilly run!!!

We took a few pictures! We were so sweaty! My skirt was dripping! So gross!

Then I called my hubby to come outside and pretty please take some pictures of me and Jenny together! Because without meaning to we matched! We were color coordinated with our black and pink!!!

Goofy guy thought it would be funny to take a selfie too lol!

We stretched a bit and talked a bit. Then Sawyer (the birthday boy) and Hayden came outside and Jenny did a little birthday dance for Sawyer and they took selfies! So much fun! A mini birthday party in the front yard! Sawyer (and Hayden too) LOVED it!

It was a fun start to my Saturday for sure! And I even got a medal for those 9 miles! Win win!!!

QOTD: Did you run this virtual race? Are you training for anything right now?

Monday, August 24, 2015

The Weekly Chase #137!

We had such a fun weekend!!! It was Sawyer's 8th birthday on Saturday and we celebrated all weekend long!!!

Friday morning we took our "we survived the first week of school" picture!

And here's mine! I had to get a celebratory Starbucks frapp as a reward for surviving my first week back too!

After the boys got home from school, I took Sawyer to gymnastics practice and Hayden and I headed to Target for some birthday present shopping! Fun!

That night was pizza night (since I was running long the next morning). We also watched Donald Trump on TV since he was in Mobile. Several of our friends went to see him but we had better seats in the comfort of our home and on our couch lol!

I also enjoyed some snuggle time with this little guy on his last night as a 7 year old!

Saturday morning Jenny and I ran 9 hilly miles! I'll tell you more about that on Wednesday! When we were finished running we had a mini birthday party in the front yard with the birthday boy! So fun!!!

Then it was a birthday breakfast of cinnamon rolls (birthday boy's choice)!

And then present time!!!

Next our friends Kirstin, Jim, and their daughter Maddy all met us so we could head to the pool! The kids had a blast riding together and were so excited about the day!

We had so much fun at the pool celebrating Sawyer's birthday!!! And Kirstin brought homemade cookies to celebrate too!

We stayed at the pool ALL day! Sawyer said it was the best birthday ever which was music to my ears!

Sunday we went to church in the morning. Then later that afternoon we had more birthday festivities. Andy's parents and sister, her husband, and baby Ronan all came for a birthday dinner. Sawyer chose to eat at Moe's Southwest Grill! He loves Mexican food!

Then it was back home for some cake! He requested a white cake with chocolate frosting! :-)

Birthday tradition...putting frosting on his nose!

This lucky boy got more presents too!

Cullen LOVES all the wrapping paper and gift bags!

Now it's time for the Weekly Chase! It's a new week and I have new goals to achieve! I hope you will link up your own goals with me too! And feel free to use the badge below in your post too! You can grab the badge HERE! :-)

Road Runner Girl

Here are my goals from last week!

  • Goal #1: Run every day! Yes! I kept the streak alive! I had to wake up early and run in the dark but I still got that run in!
  • Goal #2: Roll, stretch, and ice daily. Yes!
  • Goal #3: Maintain my weight by logging my calories. Yes! I did great this week! Going back to school helped me stay on track better with my eating!
  • Goal #4: Survive the back to school routine! Yes! I survived! I was so tired after school but I made it!!!

Here are the goals I'm chasing this week!

Goal #1: Run every day! Gotta get up early and get this done! Not letting my streak go!

Goal #2: Roll, stretch, and ice daily. Gotta keep this up so I can have an injury free racing season! I always get injured in the fall. I'm praying that doesn't happen this year! Really...I'm praying for no injury ever!!!

Goal #3: Maintain my weight by logging my calories. I plan to log everything I eat this week. Staying accountable is what helps me maintain my weight! I worked too hard to gain it back!

Goal #4: Finish my September calendar for work. I send home a calendar of what we will be doing to my parents each month. September is almost here so I've got to get this done. 

That's the plan for this week! I hope you all have a great week!!!

QOTD: What goals are you chasing this week? 



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