The only running goal I currently have is to make my year goal of my running streak. And I will meet that at the end of the month. :-)
My summer running goal is to try to run a long run every weekend. I hope to run at least 5-6 miles each weekend. I'm going to Disney this summer so I know that week I probably won't get in that long run and that's ok.
So this past Saturday was the first weekend that I wasn't training or didn't have a race to run in a long time. I decided I wanted to run a 10K. My friend Andria and I were finally able to get on the same page in our schedules and run together! It's been a long time since we've run together and I was so excited to see her!
We ran our favorite route that takes us downtown. Both of us prefer to run a little later so we met at my house around 6:30 AM.
The run started out great! I hadn't seen Andria in so long that I talked her ear off lol! Before I knew it we had made it to mile 3 and it was time to turn around and head back!
Andria was carrying her hydration belt with two bottles of for her and one for me! We stopped real quick to refuel and then we were on our way again!
Around mile 4 we made it to City Hall and stopped for my traditional mid-run picture! ;-)
Then it was time to get going again! The last mile was the toughest. We were running on a very busy road and we had to really watch the traffic. We needed a little bit of motivation so I turned the music on on my phone and blared it! It seemed to help!
Before long we had made it back to my house...and we had run those 6.2 miles!
This run wasn't my fastest by any means. I didn't have to push it. I wasn't racing. I was just enjoying the run and enjoying being with my friend. It was a great run!!!
And I love this girl!!! Hopefully our schedules will allow us to run many more times together this summer! :-)
QOTD: What are your running goals in the summertime?