This race weekend didn't start the way I had hoped. My husband was supposed to come with me. We had rented a beach condo for the weekend with another couple. We were both so excited! But the morning we were leaving, my son Hayden got sick. We took him to the doctor and he had a sinus infection. My wonderful sister in law was still going to take care of him so we could go but our gut feeling said one of us needed to stay home. My sweet hubby offered because he knew I wouldn't want to miss my race. So I went without him. :-(
With the change of plans I rode with Susanne and Brian. There wasn't any use in taking two vehicles. We arrived in Destin, FL and our condo was so nice! We stayed up late talking and laughing! So much fun!
The next morning Susanne and I headed out for a run. The beach road had a sidewalk so it was perfect!
I got in a little over a mile for my streak and then we headed to the beach. It was overcast and chilly out there but so gorgeous!
I love these two pictures below! I didn't know Susanne was taking them and they turned out so cute!
After our run we got showered and went in search for some breakfast. We were starving! We found an Ihop and I devoured some strawberry pancakes...yum! Then it was off to Seaside!
First we stopped at the visitor center because in the past they've always had a gift for the race participants. But we were disappointed this year...they didn't do the gifts this year. Oh well! We still got a good picture out front!
Before we knew it we had arrived in Seaside! Now if you're familiar with Seaside then you know that it is very hard to find a parking spot. So Brian just dropped us off in front of the school and he went in search of a parking spot. He ended up never finding one and kept driving around until we were done and then he came and picked us back up. Crazy!
There was a line to pick up our race packets when we got there but fortunately it moved pretty fast. And the line went right through where all the vendors were so you could window shop while waiting in line! This was different from the last time I ran this race.
The Seaside School is one of the cutest schools I've ever seen!
To get our race bibs we went in one door. It was simple...they had everything organized by last name. Then you went back outside and to the building next door and picked up your race shirt. The school was decorated with all kinds of signs welcoming and thanking the runners!
I was hoping this was a lucky bib number! :-)
After getting our bibs and shirts we headed back to the tent to do some shopping. And there...we ran into Paige and Billy! They were staying in our condo that night so we were excited to see them! We didn't shop long since we knew Brian was driving around waiting on us. We passed by the tent with the Silent Auction but didn't go in. We headed to the post office to meet Brian. This is seriously the cutest post office I've ever seen!
Brian picked us up from there and we headed back to the condo in Destin. We hung out there that afternoon just having fun talking and catching up with each other! It was great to relax so much before the race the next day!
That night we headed to Carrabba's Italian Grill for dinner. I wanted my pizza of course and this restaurant gave everyone other options as well as pizza. I went for my usual pepperoni and mushroom pizza. It was divine!
After dinner we made a quick stop at Publix for coffee for the next morning. Then it was back to the condo. Of course I had my flat Road Runner Girl ready to go!
I loved my outfit for the race but was a little worried about wearing a tank top. The temps for race day were in the 40's with wind. I knew I'd be fine once I started running but it was going to be freezing before and after the race.
Stay tuned for my race recap! :-)
QOTD: What's the lowest temperature you will run in a tank top?