The new year is all about making resolutions. What exactly is a resolution? According to The Free Dictionary, it is "a resolving to do something." Let's be determined this new year to stick to those resolutions! Let's make them count...and work on them the entire year!
So here are my running resolutions for 2015!
Hopefully this will be a year of lots of running! And running injury free!
Resolution #1: Foam roll and stretch every day. I believe this is key to helping me stay injury free. I need to make sure those tired muscles are loose and ready for each run.
Resolution #2: Hit one year or 365 days of my Road Runner Girl Run Streak (#RRGRunStreak)! I started my streak halfway into 2014. Halfway into 2015 I will have streaked for a long as injury doesn't stop me. This resolution will all depend on my body but hopefully I will achieve it!
Resolution #3: 5 by the 5th Virtual Race Series. I love that Laura hosts this challenge each year! I've participated each year and it's a great motivator! It starts in February and ends in May. You must run 5 miles or a 5K by the 5th of each month.
Resolution #4: 15 in 2015. I'm hoping to be able to run at least 15 races in 2015! These can be real races or virtual races. I want to do a variety from 5k's to half marathons. I did 14 in 2014 and it was a blast!
Here are the races I have planned so far to go with this goal.
1. Rock 'n' Roll New Orleans Half Marathon (remember the code ROADRUNNERGIRL saves you $10 off the half or full and ROADRUNNERGIRL10k saves you $5 off the 10k)
2. Disney Princess 10K
3. Disney Princess Half Marathon
4. Seaside Half Marathon
5. Crescent City Classic
6. Azalea Trail Run
7. Talladega Half Marathon
8. Gulf Coast Mandeville Half Marathon
I'll add in more races throughout the year including virtual races.
It's going to be a great 2015!!!
QOTD: What are your running resolutions for 2015?