Wednesday started out with a 1.5 mile run! And then goofing around with Hayden taking pictures! ;-)
That afternoon we went with my sister and Ella to the pier to walk and then to the coffee shop. What we didn't expect was how windy it would be down by the bay! It was hard to take pictures because the wind was shaking our phones so bad! You can see the wind blowing the water out of the fountain!
We didn't stay long because the wind made it so cold. We headed to the coffee shop and I got some cuddle time with Ella!
Thanksgiving morning I woke up and ran 2.5 miles! This was my longest run in a while due to my calf injury. It felt great to run a little more mileage!
After getting cleaned up after my run we headed about an hour away to my Dad's house for Thanksgiving lunch! A ton of my family that I hadn't seen in forever was there! It was so great seeing everyone! And I love spending time with my Dad and stepmom!
My Dad is so silly and the boys love him! Sawyer gets his silliness from my Dad for sure! I love seeing them interact! So cute!
I love my silly Dad!
And there is always one photo that has been photobombed lol! Here are my boys with my stepmom...and brother Josh photobombing lol!
We had a great time visiting with family at my Dad's house! Once we left there we headed to Andy's sister Katie's house to spend the night. She was going to watch the boys for us so Andy and I could go on our annual Black Friday shopping date! We woke up early and my sweetie even took me to my favorite coffee shop for Black Friday shopping fuel!
We went to several stores and found lots of great deals! About 80% of my Christmas shopping is done! Yay!
When we were finished shopping we went for a run. I couldn't let my streak end! I ran one mile with Andy and then another mile by myself!
Then we showered and headed back over to Katie's house. His parents brought lunch for everyone. We ate and then spent the rest of the afternoon watching Christmas movies and spending time together. That night we had Mexican Night for dinner! And then me and my mother-in-law and aunt-in-law did a little more shopping! They then took me back to Katie's house where we spent the night again.
So the next morning I got to run from Katie's house. It's always great to run a different route! And...I ran my first 5K in a long time! The calf felt great but was a little sore and tight the rest of the day.
We spent the morning with Katie and ate lunch with her. Then we packed up and headed home. Later that afternoon we went to my sister Christy's house. We went to Bellingrath Gardens that night to see the Christmas Lights! It was beautiful! It deserves its own post so stay tuned tomorrow for more of those pictures!
After seeing the lights we went back to Christy's house for a chili dinner and to watch some football! My Auburn Tigers lost the Iron Bowl but fought a good fight! It was a great game despite the loss!
Sunday morning we all slept in since we had some pretty late nights this holiday. I ran my mile for the streak that morning. The rest of the day was spent getting ready for the next week....back to work and school. That night I babysat Ella so my sister could go to the So You Think You Can Dance Tour.
It was a great weekend! I really hated to see it end! But....we only have 3 more weeks of work and school and then we are out again for Christmas holidays! I hope I can make it that long lol!
QOTD: Did you travel for Thanksgiving or celebrate at home?