Andy always gets to trick or treat on his birthday! I guess one day when the boys are too old for trick or treating we won't do it but for now Andy seems to enjoy sharing his birthday with that holiday tradition. His parents and sister came over to celebrate. My sister Christy, James, and Baby Ella came too! We ate tacos for dinner (Andy's favorite). His mom also baked him pumpkin pie for his birthday. We sang happy birthday and then it was trick or treat time! Of course we had to take a few pictures of the kiddos in their super cute costumes! Hayden was Dave the Minion, Sawyer was a green ninja, and Ella was Super Girl! So cute!
Andy's family left as we went trick or treating. My sister went with us for a bit but they had to leave pretty quickly because it was past Ella's bed time and she was so tired. Luckily some friends met us in our neighborhood and trick or treated the entire time with us. It's always more fun with friends!
We trick or treated around the entire neighborhood. But we always save the best for last. Each year this one house in our neighborhood goes over and beyond with the Halloween decorations. We call them the "haunted house" and this year they did not disappoint! The kids were super excited to walk through it!
After trick or treating our friends came back to the house and played for a bit. It was a great Halloween and a great birthday for Andy!
The next day was MY birthday! I started it out by running a 10K race that morning (I'll recap the race tomorrow). What better way to start my birthday than doing what I love, right? It was super super cold at the race but I still had a blast!
And one of my AWESOME friends made this amazing medal and bib holder for me! Isn't is beautiful? I can't wait to get it hung on the wall and fill it up!
When I got home from the race my men had birthday cards for me! Each one picked out their own special card for me! It was so sweet!!!
They then took me out for lunch. And we had birthday cake complete with the singing of the Happy Birthday song of course! :-)
Later that afternoon we headed over to my friend Paige's house. She was having everyone over for a cook out and to watch the Auburn game. As soon as I walked into the door she made me put on a birthday princess hat and necklace! ;-)
After we ate it was game time! The rule was...every time Auburn scored I had to wear my birthday hat for 3 game minutes! I ended up wearing it for a long time lol! It was fun! And yes I am all wrapped up in a blanket because I had been freezing ALL DAY LONG! I couldn't get warm from that cold and windy race!
Overall, it was an amazing birthday!!! My friends and family made it so special! And supposedly Andy still has a birthday surprise on its way! ;-)
QOTD: How do you like to celebrate your birthday?