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Sunday, February 9, 2014

Runner Spotlights #74

This morning I am running my 22nd half marathon...the Biggest Loser RunWalk Half Marathon in Mobile! I'm excited to get to run this race locally! I have several friends running this one so it should be fun!

Now it's time for another runner favorite time of the week! I love reading other runners' stories about their running journey! If you are interested in being spotlighted on my blog please email me at! I'd love to spotlight you! You don't have to have a blog to be just have to be a runner! ;-)

Today I'm spotlighting Lindsay from Lindsay Weighs In! Lindsay is a fellow Sweat Pink Ambassador. She is also new to running and will be running her first half marathon this spring! Keep reading to learn more about her!!!

Name: Lindsay                       
State: Pennsylvania

When and why did you start running? 
I’m still having trouble calling myself a runner! I just started running more recently, and just signed up for my first half marathon. I like the time it allows me to clear my head, but I’m not up to very high mileage quite yet. I’m sure I’ll have lots to think about for 13.1 miles!

What is your favorite race and race distance? 
I've only ever run a 5K so far, which I definitely loved. I’m looking forward to tackling the next big challenge in running my half!

What is your race day routine? 
I’m sure this will be a bit different for my half but for my 5K this September it was wake up, be very nervous, put on BodyGlide and a bright shirt, eat breakfast, get to event, freak out some more, run my heart out J (Actually that will probably be about the same for my half, with probably a lot more freaking out!!)

What is your most favorite piece of running gear? 
I just recently bought a belt to wear when I’m running so I can throw my cell phone in there and my keys. I’m also a huge  fan of my RoadID that I just bought.

Do you follow any diet or take any specific supplements that complement your running? 
Not at all. I’m trying to lose weight, so I’m watching what I’m eating but not following anything specific.

What do you wish you’d known when you first started running? 
Oh gosh, I still don’t know so many things! I honestly have no idea what the heck I’m doing half the time. I guess ultimately I wish I would have known you need to get good shoes, and replace them after you put too much mileage on them.

What is your fondest running memory? 
I just ran a 5K with my mom and sister about a month ago, and it was so much fun hanging out before the race and then listening to them cheer me on as I crossed the finish line (much later than them!). I also really enjoyed spectating my sister’s first half marathon a few weeks ago. Whether you’re running or spectating, there is something so magical about being at a race. I love it!

What is one thing that most people do not know about you? 
One of my biggest bucket list items is to sing the National Anthem at a sporting event. Is that weird? I also have no idea how to use a curling iron. #girlfail

Here are all the different ways you can connect with Lindsay!

Thanks so much for sharing with us Lindsay!

QOTD: What did you do this weekend?



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