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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Runner Spotlights #55

Happy Sunday y'all! I hope everyone is having a fabulous weekend! We've actually had some cooler fall like weather this weekend! It's been awesome!

It's time for another runner spotlight! If you are interested in being spotlighted on my blog please email me at I would love to feature you! You don't have to have a blog to be just have to be a runner! I'm running low on spotlights so don't hesitate to send me that email! :-)

Today I am spotlighting Jenny from MetamorFit! She has an incredible fitness story! She's not only a runner but a runner that also does Crossfit! Keep reading to learn more about her!

Name: Jenny Hodges
State: Florida

When and why did you start running/Crossfit?
I started running in April 2010. I had lost over 100lbs by this time, but was still very overweight.
I started CrossFit in February 2013. After losing 212lbs, I have a lot of extra skin and knew I needed to build up strength and muscle and that’s when CrossFit entered the mix!

What is your favorite race, race distance, and workout of the day?
My favorite distance is the 10K, but I've recently injured myself, so I’m slowly building back up. I’m currently at 4 miles, but it hurts!
My favorite race is a new race on our scene. It’s called The Best Damn Race, and it’s a race for runners put on by runners and it’s truly amazing!
I love CrossFit WOD’s that mix up cardio and strength. To date, my favorite WOD is the Filthy 50. I’m also pretty fond of the girl called “Annie.”

What is your race day and pre-workout routine?
My race day and pre-workout routines are both pretty much the same. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. I don’t really use GU’s and I eat a lot of hard-boiled eggs ;)

What is your most favorite piece of workout gear?
My POLAR(s). I love my Polar Heart Rate Monitors!!

Do you follow any diet or take any specific supplements that complement your running and Crossfit?
I do a modified version of Paleo, more closely aligned to the Whole30 diet. I am gluten free, and I don’t eat any grains nor any processed carbs.  I also don’t eat mammals.

What do you wish you’d known when you first started running and doing Crossfit?
I wish I knew years ago that CrossFit isn't scary!! LOL. So many women I talk to think that CrossFit is dangerous and they’re going to get hurt! NOT TRUE!! Just like with any personal trainer, shop around until you find a “box” that you connect with and that makes you feel welcome and safe! A lot of women also think that CrossFit is going to make them look like man. Again, not true!! It will make you strong, yes, but better yet…it will make your body look GREAT!

What is your fondest running and Crossfit memory?
My fondest running memory is the first 5K I ever ran. It was in April 2010, and it was an unofficial race put on by my local Weight Watchers meeting. I trained for a few weeks, and set out that morning to just finish. But once I started running, I couldn't stop and I ended up finishing first! It’s the only 5K that I will ever finish first at!
My favorite CrossFit memory is the day I set my first PR for deadlift. I just kept being able to add more weight and though it was a skill that we were only supposed to work on for 20 minutes, I didn't want to stop because I hadn't maxed out. Rather than the rest of my group going on to finish their WOD they stayed and supported me, cheering me on. That was a huge deal for me.

What is one thing that most people do not know about you?
Most people don’t know that I was married previously. I married the boy next door right after I graduated from high school (he was 6 ½ years older than me) and while we didn't stay married for long, he taught me a lot about what it meant to be a wife. 

Here are all the different ways you can connect with Jenny!

Thanks so much for sharing with us Jenny!!!

QOTD: Did you enjoy any fall like activities this weekend?



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