As you know, I've been using #GoalGetter2013 and the Weekly Chase to help me stay accountable for my running resolutions and weekly goals. I will be doing an update each month to help me stay focused.
Here are my previous updates:
January Update
February Update
March Update
April Update
May Update
June Update
Now for the month of July!
Run at least 3 times a week and keep up my mileage: Since I finished the run streak I've been running at least 4 times a week! I've also been doing long runs of at least 5 miles every weekend. There was one week this month when I went on a mission trip to Destin that I only got in 2 runs that week. Overall...pretty good!
Incorporate at least one walk every week for cross training: Almost! I missed one week of this. Those late afternoon thunderstorms interfere with these walks!
Daily Bible Devotion: Success! I continued with the She Reads Truth Bible plans. We've been studying women of the Bible and I'm really enjoying it! I've also started a new study by Kay Arthur that I am really excited about!
Stretch and Roll Daily: 75% on this one. Once the streak ended I forgot about stretching and rolling on the days I didn't run. Need to make it a routine every day!
Per #GoalGetter2013 requirements, I posted the following picture on Instagram to show my goal progress for July!
For the month of August, I am going to continue to focus on running 3-4 times a week. Half marathon training also starts this month so my mileage will be increasing! I also want to continue to incorporate at least one walk in each week...preferably with my family. I'm also going to be participating in Kat's August Core Focus Challenge! Daily Bible Devotions and daily rolling and stretching are goals I will be continuing this month. A new goal this month will be managing my time as I start my new job. I will need to use my time wisely in order to continue to blog, do lesson plans, and manage the house!
I hope you are joining me for both the Weekly Chase and #GoalGetter2013!
Feel free to grab the badge and play along with us as we conquer our goals this year!!! All you have to do is take a photo of you working towards or completing your goal, use the hashtag #GoalGetter2013, and upload it to Instagram and/or Twitter! You can also post your picture on our #GoalGetter2013 Facebook page!
QOTD: What goal did you crush in July?