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Friday, May 31, 2013

Fitness Friday...May 31st Edition!

It's Friday! We've had a super fun week! It was the first week of summer for us! We went swimming and to the beach twice! I would say that's a pretty good start to the summer!

It's Fitness Friday! I've done a lot of running this week since it was the start of the Runner's World Run Streak!

  • Saturday- #plankaday 1:02
  • Sunday- #plankaday 1:03
  • Monday- #plankaday 1:11, 3.11 mile run in 30:18 average pace 9:45

  • Tuesday- #plankaday 1:01, 1 mile run in 8:55

  • Wednesday- #plankaday 1:13, 1 mile run in 9:17

  • Thursday- #plankaday 1:00, 3.11 mile run in 31:13 average pace 10:02

  • Friday- #plankaday 1:00, 1 mile run

It was an awesome week of running and planking! I'm enjoying streaking! My legs are a little tired but I remember from last year that the tiredness eventually went away. It's been pretty windy this week...that's helped keep me cooler during the run but it's been harder to run against the wind. Hopefully, I will be able to complete the streak injury free! If I feel any sort of injury coming on...I will stop the streak. It's not worth getting injured over. But fingers crossed I can complete it like I did last year.

Happy Weekend to everyone! My friend Stephanie and her family are moving in with us this weekend. Her husband is in the Coast Guard and they are moving to California in a few weeks. Their lease on their house is up today so they are moving in with us for the week. Then they are doing some traveling to visit family and will meet us in Disney World in a few weeks! We are excited to go to Disney with them...but sad that we will have to say goodbye to them there...but not forever! So next week may be a little crazy for me with 5 extra people in the house! It will be fun! I'm going to try to continue to blog but I may miss a few days so please forgive me if I do. :-)

QOTD: Any vacation plans this summer?

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Bestowed Review and Giveaway!

Disclaimer: Bestowed sent me this product to review. I received no other compensation. All opinions are mine and mine alone!

I LOVE all these subscription boxes out there! And I've found another one that is really cool! It's called Bestowed! What is Bestowed?

"Discover healthy foods you'll love! Join Bestowed and get 5+ amazing nutrition and lifestyle products delivered to your door every month - each one hand picked by celebrity nutritionist and author Heather Bauer." source

Here's a glimpse of what was inside my box!

Also included was a description of each product. It told you the reason Bestowed loves that particular product and also gave you two tips on how to use the product. I love that!!!

I really liked the California Olive Ranch Everyday Extra Virgin Olive Oil samples that were included.

The olive oil made this fish really really tasty!

Bestowed only works with the best brands. You can see that list here on their website. The products have to meet certain standards before they are allowed in the box. They also consider the way a product is packaged and where it is made.

Are you ready to try Bestowed for yourself?

It's $19 a month (which you can cancel at any time) or $209 for an annual membership (billed annually and can be transferred at any time). Shipping is included in this price.

The boxes ship to arrive on the 15th of every month. Currently they are only shipping via USPS within the US.

Bestowed has very kindly offered my readers $5 off their monthly or annual subscription when using the code 5OFFBSTOWED01 at checkout!!!

They've also offered to giveaway a month of Bestowed free to one of my readers (US residents only)!!! Enter below for your chance to win (please follow all the guidelines...I will be checking)! Good luck!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Long Run Where I Almost Stepped on a Snake!!!

Last week's long run was on Friday instead of the normal Saturday or Sunday. I had a kid free weekend planned with my hubby and wanted to spend as much time with him as possible so I got my long run done a day early. My long runs normally consist of about 15-20 other ladies running with me. But this long was just me and my friend Misty. Misty has been running short runs with me about once a week. She used to run in high school but is just recently getting back into it. When I asked her about running 5 miles with me she immediately said yes...although she was a little worried about the distance. She hadn't run that far in a long time. I assured her we would slow down our pace and it would be fun! I knew without a doubt that she could do it!

On the run I wore my new Under Armour tank that I received for the What's Beautiful Campaign with Under Armour and Fitfluential. This may be my favorite tank ever! It was so light and airy and kept me cool during the run! We ran at 8:45 in the morning...and here on the Gulf Coast it is already pretty hot at that time.

See how light and airy it is? And I LOVE the little reflector that says RUN on it!!!

Our run started out well. I turned us in a different direction than what we normally run....gotta change it up sometimes! We were running a pretty steady pace...about an 11 minute mile. Most of the route was sidewalk but during the first mile we had to hit the pavement and dodge some traffic. We were cruising along in a single file line when all of a sudden I screamed! There, only a few feet in front of me on the road, was a huge snake!!! And it wasn't dead! It was curled up but we could tell that it was pretty long. It was orange with some black on it...I have no idea what kind...even though the hubby pulled up tons of pictures of snakes on his iPhone trying to find the one I described. I was freaked out because I was so close to stepping on that thing! Of course we off roaded it to get around it. And our pace got faster lol! We just wanted to get away from it as fast as we could but both Misty and I said we wished we had taken a picture of it.

The rest of the run was snake free thank goodness! We kept our pace pretty steady. But it was really really hot. Misty told me at one point that she may slow down almost to a walk...but she never did. She did AWESOME!!! She ROCKED that 5 miles and I was sooo proud of her!!!

It felt good to enter the weekend knowing my long run was done! I love running long on Fridays when I get the chance. But I also love running with lots of friends when I run long so Fridays aren't usually an option for many people. Either way...the long run is my favorite!!!

QOTD: Do you prefer to run long on the weekend or during the week?

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Weekly Chase #22!

Yes I know I am a day late with the Weekly Chase but I celebrated the Memorial Day holiday with my family yesterday. Here are a few pics from my weekend! I had a blast!

Now it's time to tell you all about my goals for this week in the Weekly Chase! I hope you will link up with us this week too!

Road Runner Girl

For the month of May Molly has a new challenge for us! It's called Bring a Friend Along. We want you to bring a friend into part of your goal making...whether it be for exercising, sanity, prayer partners, etc. We all know how important goal setting is...let's get our friends involved with us!

Here's how I did with last week's goals!

  • Goal #1: Communicate with my accountability partner for my daily Bible devotions (challenge goal). She shared an awesome bible verse with me this week! Still would like to communicate a little more.
  • Goal #2: Stretch and roll every day. About 75% with this one. I did this on the days that I ran and a few days that I didn't run. But still not every day like I want.
  • Goal #3: Work on fundraising for the St. Jude's Memphis Half Marathon. Didn't do a lot with this this week. I need to make some phone calls and write some emails for an idea that I have. 
  • Goal #4: Run at least 3 times this week. I only got two runs in this week. With subbing and it being the boys last week of got in the way and I missed a run.
  • Goal #5: Make better food choices and decrease my portion sizes. I did really well with this at the beginning of the week. But then came the weekend, my kid free time with the hubby, and I ate whatever I wanted. :-/

So here's the goals I am planning for this week!

Goal #1: Communicate with my accountability partner for my daily Bible devotions (challenge goal). I'm going to try to share a few verses with her this week.

Goal #2: Stretch and roll every day. This should be easy this week due to goal #5!

Goal #3: Work on fundraising for the St. Jude's Memphis Half Marathon. Gonna try to send a few emails this week.

Goal #4: Make better food choices and decrease my portion sizes. Really want to focus on this!!!! I need my shorts to fit!!! ;-)

Goal #5: Run at least one mile every day. Yesterday started the Runner's World Run Streak! I did this last summer and have decided to do it again this summer. The plan is to run at least one mile every day until July 4th. If you don't break the streak...that's 39 consecutive days of running! It will be trickier for me this year because we are going on vacation (Disney here we come!!!!!) in a few weeks. But I'm going to try my hardest to not break the streak while I'm on vacation! If you haven't seen friend Pavement Runner made some pretty awesome badges and a Facebook cover for us streakers! :-)

So those are the goals for the week! 

QOTD: What goals do you have for this week?

Monday, May 27, 2013

Happy Memorial Day!!!

Happy Memorial Day! I hope your day is filled with family, friends, swimming, and bbq! :-)

But please remember the reason we have Memorial be thankful for our freedom and those that died fighting for that right. Thank you to all the fallen, the veterans, and our current military! Thank you for keeping our country free and safe!

QOTD: What are your Memorial Day plans?

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Runner Spotlights #37

Happy Weekend everyone! I hope you are all enjoying this Memorial Day weekend! We've had a kid free weekend...and are having a blast! I DO miss my boys so much though. But they are having fun at their grandparents house! It's been some much needed time for me and Andy!

Now it's time for another runner spotlight! If you are interested in being spotlighted on my blog please email me at I am running low on spotlights and would love to feature you! You don't have to have a blog to be just have to be a runner! :-)

Today I am spotlighting Amanda from Be A Fit Fox! She's been running since high school. And she's so funny! Amanda is also currently pregnant and is soooo cute! I wish I had looked as cute as her when I was pregnant (instead of looking like a beached whale!). Keep reading to learn more about Amanda!

Name: Amanda Fox
State: Utah (but a native Texan!)

When and why did you start running?
I ran cross country and track in high school and then became a 5-K’er in college. I was never serious about running until a few years ago. I started running and training for half marathons in 2010 as a way to both clear my head and push myself harder than ever before. Plus my mom and dad run Half Marathons and it is VERY cool to run/train with them when I visit Texas.

What is your favorite race and race distance?
My favorite race is the Top of Utah Half Marathon. I've completed it twice and it is a beautiful run! I plan to stick with the half marathons; my toenails already fall off as it is. No need to increase to full marathons! J

What is your race day routine?
3 hours before the race I eat a banana and a wheat sandwich thin with peanut butter and a little honey drizzle. Pair that with a piping hot cup of coffee and I am ready to R-U-N!

What is your most favorite piece of running gear?
I don’t have one favorite piece, I have a favorite outfit. Capris, racer back tank, bright Nikes and my IPod  I see so many people running with the water belts and what not but I can’t get into that-probably because I've got hips and they just don’t sit right.

Do you follow any diet or take any specific supplements that complement your running?
I don’t follow any diet, I eat clean. Eating clean is a lifestyle and something that I can do for the rest of my life.  I prep my meals on Sundays for the week and say no to processed foods (I still drink the occasional Fresca-I can’t help myself!).

What do you wish you’d known when you first started running?
Your thighs will rub raw. Nobody told me that. Probably because nobody really talks about it but I want to talk about it now. Your thighs rub together and it gets red and bumpy and burns. You've been told.

What is your fondest running memory?
My fondest running memory was a 5K my junior year in college at Texas A&M. It was the Run for the Ring 5K and I raced with my dog, Sonny. At the end of the race, they announced the one female and one male winner. The winners WIN the Texas A&M collegiate ring and I won! It was an awesome feeling and I am still surprised to this day. You’re welcome mom and dad for not having to pay for my college ring!

What is one thing that most people do not know about you?
I am an open book so there really aren't many surprises, however, most people don’t know that I can pull out my uvula (it’s the hangy thing in the back of your throat). Mine is quite long and I can grab it. I have officially lost readers at this point. Understood. 

Here are all the different ways you can connect with Amanda!


Thanks so much for sharing with us Amanda!!!

QOTD: Do you have any plans for Memorial Day?

Friday, May 24, 2013

Fitness Friday...May 24th Edition!

Happy Friday! And happy last day of school for us! At 1:00 today...summer break will officially begin! The boys are excited! They are starting out their summer with a weekend with their grandparents! Which means...a kid free weekend for me and the hubby! Yay!

It's time for another Fitness Friday!

  • Saturday- #plankaday 1:03
  • Sunday- 6 mile run in 1:04:38 average pace 10:46
  • Monday- #plankaday 1:01
  • Tuesday- #plankaday 1:01, 3.11 mile run in 30:28 average pace 9:48

  • Wednesday- #plankaday 1:01
  • Thursday- #plankaday 1:06
  • Friday- #plankaday 1:00, 5 mile run in 53:46 average pace 10:44

I didn't get in a run on Thursday because I had to sub. Since we have a kid free weekend I am running a 5 mile long run today so I can have the weekend with my hubby. I'm looking forward to spending time with him just the two of us! ;-)

QOTD: What are your plans this weekend?



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