I'm praying that no one else in our household gets the flu.
I also got some great mail yesterday...the Endorphin Warrior bracelet that I won off Shannon and Stefanie's blog! I chose BELIEVE because if you believe in yourself you can do anything!
For now...it's time for another runner spotlight! If you would like to be spotlighted on my blog please email me at mindy@roadrunnergirl.com! I'd love to learn more about you!
Today I'm spotlighting Briana from Nurse With a Purse! Isn't that the cutest blog name??!! Briana is actually pregnant right now and is as cute as ever! Definitely go check out her blog! Keep reading to learn more about her and her running!
Name: Briana Cook
State: Indiana
When and why did you start running?
My first race was a 5K on the Las Vegas strip in February 2009. I was convinced to give running a try by a marathoner friend of mine. I trained (slowly) on a treadmill in the dead of winter and surprised myself with a much faster time than I had anticipated. I was hooked from the start.
What is your favorite race and race distance?
Favorite race is the Chicago Marathon. I've ran 2 marathons but my favorite distance is still the half marathon, of which I've ran 13 to date!
What is your race day routine?
Wake up, body glide EVERYTHING, apply band-aids to my blistered toes, don race clothes, make toast, slather with peanut butter, gather gear & go!
What is your most favorite piece of running gear?
My drawer full of colored knee socks, made famous by my running group, the Perfect Strangers!
Do you follow any diet or take any specific supplements that complement your running?
Do cupcakes and ramen noodles count?!
What do you wish you'd known when you first started running?
I wish I'd known that running wouldn't always be rainbows and sunshine. That there would be just as many days that felt awful as there were days that felt amazing. That injuries would happen. And that patience is the biggest virtue you could ever have when dealing with a setback.
What is your fondest running memory?
Crossing the finish line of the Indianapolis 500 Festival Mini Marathon hand in hand with my daddy. Done it a few times now, and it never gets old.
What is one thing that most people don't know about you?
Run with me for a few miles, I'll turn into an open book :)
Here are all the different ways you can connect with Briana!
Blog: http://nursewithapurseblog.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/runbmc_
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Nurse-with-a-Purse/211616522215685
Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/runbmc_/
Instagram: http://instagram.com/cookb823
Thanks for sharing with us Briana! And congrats on your pregnancy!
QOTD: Have you had the flu this season? Any tips on how to avoid getting it?