It's time for another runner spotlight! If you're interested in being spotlighted on my blog please email me at! I'd love to spotlight you!
Today I am spotlighting Jamie at From Couch to Ironwoman! She is a fellow FitFluential, Sweatpink, and Girls Gone Sporty Ambassador! She is such an inspiration! Keep reading to learn more about her!
Name: Jamie
State: New York
When and why did you start running? I started running in April 2011 with my husband, Mike. I had seen some of my friends on Facebook mention the Couch-to-5K (C25K) program and I thought, well why not give it a shot? Mike and I swam competitively until our second year of college, but we hadn’t swum for a few years. After we got married I knew that we needed a change and the C25K program provided just that. We loved the C25K program, continued on with the Bridge-to-10K program and ultimately ran our first half marathon in October 2011. We haven’t looked back since!
What is your favorite race and race distance? My favorite race was the Seneca7 77.7 mile relay. Teams of 7 ran the 77.7 miles around Seneca Lake, it was so much fun! We are doing it again this year, I can’t wait! My favorite race distance, so far, is the half marathon distance. My husband and I want to do an Ironman so the longer distances appeal to me! I have done 8 half marathons so far. I also ran one marathon and we are registered for two more, plus I am going to register for a 60K!
What is your race day routine? Luckily my husband and I LOVE racing so I have had a lot of practice with this (I ran 29 races in 2012)! My race day routine starts out with waking up and getting my running (or triathlon) clothes on. If we stayed overnight in a hotel my clothes will already be out, but if we are at home I just grab what I want to wear. I eat toast (or bread if there isn't a toaster in the hotel) with peanut butter before every long run and race. It works for me! I also drink a glass of Gatorade and then hit the bathroom, sorry if that is TMI! At the race start, we will do a short warm-up and get in line for the port-a-potties. Then it is time to race!
What is your most favorite piece of running gear? Compression anything! I love compression shorts and socks/sleeves. I have too many of each to count and I still want more! I use them both during training runs/races and for recovery. Love them!
Do you follow any diet or take any specific supplements that complement your running? I don’t follow a specific diet, however, I do try to supplement my protein intake since I only eat chicken and turkey. I will use protein powders from time to time.
What do you wish you’d known when you first started running? Limping after a long run or race is NOT normal! In all seriousness, I was injured right before our first half marathon and I thought it was normal to feel that way. I have learned so much about how I should feel after a long run and race, as well as, how to take care of myself. It’s a nice feeling when you finish a half marathon and you don’t have to limp all the way to the car!
What is your fondest running memory? I am really lucky because I get to run with my husband most of the time, sometimes we can’t because of our schedules but we try as hard as possible to always train together. The times when we are out on the roads are my fondest memories of running. Another fond memory was running a marathon relay with my husband while pacing our friend, Crystal, to her first full marathon finish. It was an emotional experience!
What is one thing that most people do not know about you? I couldn't swallow pills until I was in college. Which meant I was forced to drink some pretty nasty-tasting medicine from time to time!
Here are all the different ways you can connect with Jamie!
Thanks so much for sharing with us Jamie!
QOTD: Did you do anything fun this weekend?