It's time now for another runner spotlight! If you are interested in being spotlighted please email me at!
This week I am spotlighting Sarah from Love, Run, Pink! Sarah has an amazing story and has had to overcome some major obstacles in her running. Keep reading to learn more about her!
Name: Sarah Dever
State: California
When and why did you start running? I first started running at age 11 when I joined track in middle school. My friends were doing it and so was my crush. Unfortunately, they were all sprinters and I was a distance runner (and one of the few girls to do longer distances). Turns out running was my niche and I did really well, breaking several records in middle school and high school (some of which are still standing!).
What is your favorite race and race distance? My first race was Nike Women’s (half) Marathon in SF. I am training for Rock n Roll New Orleans in Feb to hopefully complete my first full.
What is your race day routine? Take a luxurious bubble bath and make sure my fingers and toes are freshly painted, and race outfit is definitely my favorite color- pink!
What is your most favorite piece of running gear? Pink balega running socks...they’re the softest running socks ever and come in my perfect signature shade. =)
Do you follow any diet or take any specific supplements that complement your running? I try to eat healthier while I’m in training, and I use GU products for electrolytes and recovery.
What do you wish you’d known when you first started running? Injury prevention is so much easier than injury recovery, and it’s so easy to take a few minutes everyday to ice/stretch/strengthen. I also have a degenerative eye disease so I wish I had done a marathon years ago before my vision deteriorated as much as it has now.
What is your fondest running memory? Last year I trained for a marathon and it was the first time I broke into double digits. I ran 12 miles along the beach in so cal on my own and it was a perfectly beautiful run- I felt like I could run forever and it was the first time I knew I could definitely run a marathon someday.
What is one thing that most people do not know about you? It used to be that I’m legally blind, but I recently started a blog about training with limited vision. It’s still not something I’m very upfront about in person though, but I am working on sharing more and raising awareness!
Here are all the different ways you can connect with Sarah!
Instagram: loverunpink
Thanks so much for sharing with us Sarah!!!
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