It's time for another runner spotlight! If you would like to be spotlighted on my blog send me an email at I would love to spotlight you!
This week I am spotlighting Brittany from Naturally Fit Sisters! She shares a blog with her sister Cassey (who I will be spotlighting next week) and they are miles and miles apart. It's such an inspiration to see them encouraging one another from so far away! Keep reading to find out more about Brittany!
Name: Brittany Suell
State: Texas
When and why did you start running?
In college, to stay in shape. I really have gotten into running over the
past year or so more to where I love it though.
Before I just did it to stay fit, but I kind of hated it. I was
motivated by my big sister recently and have fallen in love with it. (she is a fellow Sweat Pink Ambassador and my co-writer to both
of our blogs)
What is your favorite race and race distance?
I have only ever done a 5K, so 5K! haha I’m training for a half though so
we will see if that changes!
What is your race day routine?
Coffee and protein bar in the morning!
What is your most favorite piece of running gear?
I have fallen in love with my Bondi band! It is amazing, it holds my hair
back, it’s cute, and it minimizes sweat, Oh and it’s comfy!
Also sports bras, GOOD ONES are at the top of my list for favorite
running gear.
Do you follow any diet or take any specific supplements that complement
your running?
No, I drink protein smoothies as meal replacements or post workout
shakes, but mostly for staying fit.
What do you wish you’d known when you first started running?
That once you get into it, you will LOVE it! Then maybe I would have
started LOVING it sooner!
What is your fondest running memory?
Being able to share accomplishments and excitements from PR’s and met
goals with my sister, even though she lives states apart.
Future memories will be getting to do a Mud Run with my mom, who has only
recently gotten into running and working out!
What is one thing that most people do not know about you?
I find joy in little things! Like the tiniest things, but little things
are special to me!
Here are all the different ways you can connect with Brittany!
Instagram: @btsuell
Thanks so much for sharing with us Brittany!!!
QOTD: Do you have a sibling that you share your fitness passion with?