4 miles/42:24
Average pace- 10:36
What a FABULOUS run!!! I needed that one! The plan was to do 3 miles but I felt so great that I ran 4 instead! Everything was great about this run...the temp was in the 70's (instead of 90's like on Tuesday), the sunset was gorgeous, and my new shoes are finally starting to feel good! I needed to run today...my son has been sick and so I have been stuck in the house for the past two days. It felt great to hit the road and forget about sickness, fever, and medicine for awhile. Thankfully I think my son is on the mend...I just wish he could go back to school tomorrow. The doctor said he had to wait until Monday...which means I will be missing his Mother's Day Brunch at his school AND my youngest son's Mother's Day Tea at his school. I hate to miss those things but I guess I'm doing what a mother does...taking care of her sick child. I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world! But it was important for me to take care of myself too tonight with a good run!