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Friday, May 25, 2012

I'm Going Streaking!!!

Ok it's not what you think! Not that kind of streaking...RUN streaking!!! With the boys and me out of school for the summer, I want to make sure I stay on top of my fitness. I already maintain my goal of running at least 3 times a week...but would love to add more to that. And let's just say it out loud....the only thing that keeps me sane is RUNNING!

So beginning Memorial Day, May 28th, I will be participating in the Runner's World Summer Running Streak 2012! What does this mean? It means I will be running at least one mile per day from Memorial Day to Independence Day (July 4th)! That is 38 days of consecutive running! Can I do it? YES I can!!! you wanna join me??? Of course you do!!! Let me know if you are planning to do it by leaving me a comment below! And keep the people at Runner's World up to date on your progress by using the hashtag #RWRunStreak on twitter!



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