18 miles/3:32:02
Average pace- 11:47
Me and Paige at the halfway mark...9 more to go!!!

WOW!!! This run was amazing!!! After my 16 miler two weeks ago, I couldn't imagine running another 2 miles. This run...was awesome!!! The weather was so cold...29 degrees when we started but it was so much fun! The last mile was the hardest of course...but it was all uphill too. I am feeling so much more confident after this run...26.2 miles...I CAN DO IT!!!! I give God ALL the glory!!! And having the best friends ever to share this journey with me is indescribable!!! Paige, I am sooo thankful for you...love you girl!!!
After 18 miles...a new PR distance for us!!! Jackie, me, and Courtney!

SO PROUD OF YOU! Awesome, my friend! You CAN and WILL do this!! I am so happy to read this post - CONGRATS!