20 miles/3:43:43
Average pace- 11:11 (WOW!!!)
This run was AWESOME!!! I felt so good the entire run...I never hit a wall! I hope I can do that come race day! The route had 4 pretty good hills but they didn't stop me! I am super proud of my pace for this distance. I never would have imagined I could have ran that fast for 20 miles. I AM PUMPED!!!! Philippians 4:13!!!!! And it was awesome seeing God's creation all around us. The sunrise was gorgeous over the cow pastures! We had two beautiful horses (they were fenced in) that came running up to us and acted like they knew exactly what we were saying to them! Makes the run so much more enjoyable when you have awesome scenery!
Here's all the fabulous ladies that ran 20 miles with me!!! So thankful for them!!!
That is awesome!!! I have a HUGE smile on my face! I am so proud of you - YOU ARE GOING TO SMASH YOUR MARATHON!! Keep up the fantastic work!