10.5 miles/2:01:56
Average pace- 11:37
Had a fabulous run with some fabulous ladies this morning! We ran a new route...and a few of us got a little lost...or I guess I should say we weren't sure where to turn. Thank goodness for my iPhone! We just turned around and went back the way we came and it all worked out. It was great having a change of scenery....although it was a hilly route. But hills don't scare me as much as they used to lol! Had a beautiful moon and then a gorgeous sunrise to look at while we were running!
Marathon training with one of your best friends...it can't get any better than that!!!

Paige, me, and Marcella...around mile 9 with a beautiful sunrise behind us! It was gorgeous but you can't tell that in the picture.

Ready to spend the day with my boys and then sing in my Christmas Musical tonight!