My gear the night before the race!
Well...I will admit that this was NOT one of my best races. My ankle was hurting and by mile 6 I was completely DONE! I ended up doing run/walk intervals from mile 6 to the finish. It was very humid and foggy...the air was so thick it was hard to breathe. I do think I started this race way too fast and that is why I lost all my energy at mile 6. The good news is that my time was not the worst race I've done. Actually it is the second fastest half I've done! That surprises me since I walked so much...but also tells me I definitely started too fast. The best part of this race...Andy and the boys were there at the end! And we spent the rest of the morning at the beach!!!
Me and Page before the race!
Group Shot!
Beautiful scenery...but can you see how foggy it was?
Yeah...I'm not sure why I think these sweaty self portraits are necessary lol!
Thanks to my friend Leah for taking this picture of me on the course!

Leah, Paige, and me at the after party...happy to be finished!!!

Laura, me, and was Angela's first half and she ROCKED!!!
My beautiful family!!!
Here's the medal! This series always does these kinds of medals...yes...yes it is a beer bottle opener lol!