EDIT: May not get good sleep tonight...my son Sawyer just threw up in his bed. Poor thing! :-(
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Another Solo Run!
Another fabulous run!!! Very windy and cold...but I think that makes me run faster...because I am so cold lol! I ran by myself tonight because all the girls are running in the morning and Andy has to leave for work really early. So it was either run by myself tonight or no run at all. I ran 3.11 miles in 31:07 at an average pace of 10:00! Gonna sleep good tonight after this one!
EDIT: May not get good sleep tonight...my son Sawyer just threw up in his bed. Poor thing! :-(
EDIT: May not get good sleep tonight...my son Sawyer just threw up in his bed. Poor thing! :-(
Saturday, November 27, 2010
5 Miles...By Myself!
FINALLY!!!! A great run! I have been so discouraged because my runs have been so hard lately. But today was GREAT! I missed running with my girls but I think I needed that time to get myself back in the groove...I didn't have to worry about keeping up or falling behind...I just RAN!!! Yay! I ran 5 miles in 54:21 at an average pace of 10:51. When I loaded my Garmin data onto the computer, it said my best pace was 8:25!!!! I may have only ran that fast a few seconds but WOW! Usually my best pace is around 9:40. I am so thankful that I finally had a good run!
Now time to decorate the house for Christmas!
Now time to decorate the house for Christmas!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Feed the Turkey 5K!

This isn't an actual race...it is a virtual race. The requirements were to run a 5K ANYWHERE. But first you have to make a donation to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. My friend Stephanie, who I don't get to run with much, met me at my house this morning and we ran our 5K! We ran 3.1 miles in 34:02 at an average pace of 10:56. An awesome start to Thanksgiving Day...and I won't feel so guilty eating all of the yummy food!!!
I hope everyone has a wonderful thanksgiving! We are headed to Florida to my Dad and Step-mom's house! We normally spend Thanksgiving with Andy's family. Although I will miss them greatly this year, I am thankful to be spending it with my side of the family. Happy Turkey Day everyone!!!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
4 Miles With the Girls!
Had a great run this morning! It was interesting running through the fog! Paige, Christina, and Laura all met at my house for a 4 mile run. We ran 4 miles in 43:59 at an average pace of 10:57. I am looking forward to some cooler weather this weekend! Will make my long run so much more enjoyable! Have a great day everyone!
Posted by
Mindy Bobe
3:51 PM
4 Miles With the Girls!
Mindy Bobe

Saturday, November 20, 2010
Back to Training!
Got to get back into the routine! Although I enjoyed my week of rest, I was so ready to run again! Most of the girls are going to be running the full marathon in New Orleans in February...I am only doing the half...especially since the Disney Princess half is two weeks later. Plus, I am not sure I ever want to attempt a full marathon. Right now I am content with being a half marathoner! Anyway, so everyone has to start training again...so we started it off with a 10 miler this morning! Technically, I did not have to run that far since I am only doing the half...but I can't let them have any fun without me lol! So I opted to run the whole 10 with them.
This morning was my first run since my half marathon last weekend. And boy could I tell it! I struggled the first half of the run but started feeling better the second half. Glad I pushed through it...I don't struggle often but when I do it really knocks me down! I think most of my struggle was because my body has done nothing physical since the half. And then I shock it into doing 10 miles this morning. I think I am learning that any more than 2-3 days in between my runs is not good. I get out of the groove. That could explain a little of my struggles last weekend at the half too. I had run on Tuesday and chose not to run with everyone else on Thursday because I thought my legs needed to rest. I think that was a bad decision and helped contribute to my not so good run during the half. Next time, I am going to make sure to get all those runs in the week of and see if that helps. Good thing about today...I did NOT quit...I kept running (no walking) and pushed through it to the end! I can be proud of that! The stats: 10 miles in 1:55:44...average pace of 11:33!

My ice bath felt heavenly this morning...I really missed not doing one last weekend after my half. And I was pretty sore too. I think the ice bath really really works in minimizing all that soreness!

Happy Saturday to everyone!
This morning was my first run since my half marathon last weekend. And boy could I tell it! I struggled the first half of the run but started feeling better the second half. Glad I pushed through it...I don't struggle often but when I do it really knocks me down! I think most of my struggle was because my body has done nothing physical since the half. And then I shock it into doing 10 miles this morning. I think I am learning that any more than 2-3 days in between my runs is not good. I get out of the groove. That could explain a little of my struggles last weekend at the half too. I had run on Tuesday and chose not to run with everyone else on Thursday because I thought my legs needed to rest. I think that was a bad decision and helped contribute to my not so good run during the half. Next time, I am going to make sure to get all those runs in the week of and see if that helps. Good thing about today...I did NOT quit...I kept running (no walking) and pushed through it to the end! I can be proud of that! The stats: 10 miles in 1:55:44...average pace of 11:33!

My ice bath felt heavenly this morning...I really missed not doing one last weekend after my half. And I was pretty sore too. I think the ice bath really really works in minimizing all that soreness!

Happy Saturday to everyone!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Pensacola Half Marathon!!!
Wow! What an awesome day! I am so happy to have the greatest friends in the world that were right there running with me! That course was TOUGH...tons of huge hills that I really wasn't ready for. I did not train for those hills. But hey...I did not quit and conquered those miles and those hills(barely)!!! And the best part...I ran across that finish line with Paige, one of my best friends! And my husband and two boys were there waiting on me at the end! Never thought I would get so emotional over seeing them but I bawled like a baby! It was a GREAT day!!!
Let me just say that this run was not my best by far. I was not feeling it from the start. That probably had something to do with the fact that the course started with a gradual uphill (that we did not notice at the time) that led to a huge hill that was horrible! And that was only the beginning! There were several huge hills on this course. We did NOT train on hills. We ran an occasional course of hills every now and then but the hills we ran did not compare to the ones on this course. And all of our long runs were on flat courses. So I contribute my "not feeling it" to the fact that I was totally unprepared for those hills! The good thing is that after about 3 miles, my legs were warmed up and felt great. It was my lungs that were having a hard time. I am so glad my legs did fine...everyone else was complaining about their knees on those hills but I had no pain whatsoever. Except I could barely breathe!!! By the time we reached mile 10, I was DONE. I had to stop and walk. And I NEVER walk. So I was a little discouraged with myself but I just couldn't catch my breath. Luckily, Paige walked with me and was great at distracting me. She even got her phone out and found us some music to listen to to help keep our minds off the run. I think we only walked about half a mile...don't really remember. Andrea said that was about all we walked. We started running again and I kept quoting, "I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me." I think that was the only thing that got me through those last 3 miles. We finally saw the finish line and it was such a relief. Paige and I ran in together...the support was amazing! Everyone was cheering! It was awesome to run hand in hand across the finish line with one of my best friends! And what made the day even better was seeing Andy and my boys when I came out of the chute! I did not think they had come because I did not see them as I crossed the finish line. But they were there and said they were screaming, "Go Mama!" as I crossed the finish line. I hate that I did not see them! I got sooo emotional...it meant so much to me to have them there. My official time was 2:43:41...not what I was aiming for but I am happy! I finished! And the next one will be better...and on a FLAT course!
Here are a few (ok a ton) of pictures documenting this amazing experience. Thank you to Christina and Jennifer (who were injured so they did not get to run with us) for claiming my camera and taking some amazing pictures! Thanks also to the Dunn's (Laura's parents) for following us throughout the course and getting some amazing pictures too!
Needless to say, we are all taking the week off and resting our sore muscles! We are starting our training back up on Saturday with a 10 miler. Got to get ready for my next half...Rock n Roll Mardi Gras in New Orleans in February!!! :-)
Let me just say that this run was not my best by far. I was not feeling it from the start. That probably had something to do with the fact that the course started with a gradual uphill (that we did not notice at the time) that led to a huge hill that was horrible! And that was only the beginning! There were several huge hills on this course. We did NOT train on hills. We ran an occasional course of hills every now and then but the hills we ran did not compare to the ones on this course. And all of our long runs were on flat courses. So I contribute my "not feeling it" to the fact that I was totally unprepared for those hills! The good thing is that after about 3 miles, my legs were warmed up and felt great. It was my lungs that were having a hard time. I am so glad my legs did fine...everyone else was complaining about their knees on those hills but I had no pain whatsoever. Except I could barely breathe!!! By the time we reached mile 10, I was DONE. I had to stop and walk. And I NEVER walk. So I was a little discouraged with myself but I just couldn't catch my breath. Luckily, Paige walked with me and was great at distracting me. She even got her phone out and found us some music to listen to to help keep our minds off the run. I think we only walked about half a mile...don't really remember. Andrea said that was about all we walked. We started running again and I kept quoting, "I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me." I think that was the only thing that got me through those last 3 miles. We finally saw the finish line and it was such a relief. Paige and I ran in together...the support was amazing! Everyone was cheering! It was awesome to run hand in hand across the finish line with one of my best friends! And what made the day even better was seeing Andy and my boys when I came out of the chute! I did not think they had come because I did not see them as I crossed the finish line. But they were there and said they were screaming, "Go Mama!" as I crossed the finish line. I hate that I did not see them! I got sooo emotional...it meant so much to me to have them there. My official time was 2:43:41...not what I was aiming for but I am happy! I finished! And the next one will be better...and on a FLAT course!
Here are a few (ok a ton) of pictures documenting this amazing experience. Thank you to Christina and Jennifer (who were injured so they did not get to run with us) for claiming my camera and taking some amazing pictures! Thanks also to the Dunn's (Laura's parents) for following us throughout the course and getting some amazing pictures too!
Almost ready!
All the Sole2Soul Sisters running the race!
My training partners...and officers of Sole2Soul Sisters! Love these girls and couldn't have done it without them!
Ready to run!!!
Here we go!!!
Running under the "wish bridge!" This was mile one!
The course was hilly...but gorgeous!
Me and Paige running to the finish line...almost there!
We did it!!!
Lydia, me, Paige, and Andrea...the half marathoners! Notice all of the "stuff" in our hands...we crossed the finish line and they handed us our medal, a bottle of water, a subway bag with a sub and cookie inside, a bag of trail mix, and a cup of PowerAde!
Me with my wonderful hubby Andy and precious boys Hayden and Sawyer!
All of the Sole2Soul Sisters Medal Winners!!!
Sole2Soul Sisters ROCKS!!!
Paige and I went back to our hotel room to get an ice bath and our tub drain would not close! So we put ice in the sink and dipped our feet in. It felt so good getting those shoes and socks off...we put our flip flops on to go watch Katrina and Laura finish the marathon.
Me...looking oh so yucky...with my medal! I am proud!
My FIRST medal!!!
Needless to say, we are all taking the week off and resting our sore muscles! We are starting our training back up on Saturday with a 10 miler. Got to get ready for my next half...Rock n Roll Mardi Gras in New Orleans in February!!! :-)
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Slow and Easy!
Took it slow and easy this morning! This will be my last run before my half-marathon on Sunday! Gonna give my legs plenty of rest time so they will be ready! Saw a BEAUTIFUL sunrise! I am so amazed at all of God's glory when it is just me, a few friends, and the pavement! Can't wait until Sunday....so excited!!!
We ran 3 miles in 35:30 at an average pace of 11:43. HERE is my Garmin data!
Say a prayer for me! Me and Hayden both woke up with pink eye yesterday morning. I have also been congested and sinusy since last week. AND the stomach bug is going around like crazy here in our town. Pray I stay well and healthy so I can run my race! And please pray that I am able to run pain free on Sunday! I am hoping for a great run for my first half marathon!!!!
We ran 3 miles in 35:30 at an average pace of 11:43. HERE is my Garmin data!
Say a prayer for me! Me and Hayden both woke up with pink eye yesterday morning. I have also been congested and sinusy since last week. AND the stomach bug is going around like crazy here in our town. Pray I stay well and healthy so I can run my race! And please pray that I am able to run pain free on Sunday! I am hoping for a great run for my first half marathon!!!!
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Senior Bowl Charity Run 10K!!!
Brrrr! So cold but it made for an awesome run!!! This race was so much fun...we had tons of people cheering us on including actual cheerleaders!!! I started my Garmin as soon as I crossed the start line...not when the gun was fired. So my Garmin and official race time are a little off. But all my girls say I need to go by my Garmin...so I will lol! I ran 6.2 miles in 1:06:35 at an average pace of 10:43!!! My official time was 1:07:25...still not too bad! My right quad and hip flexor is still pretty sore after my runs. I am getting a sports massage sometime this week and hoping she can work the pain out of that muscle so it will feel good for the half. Can't wait until next Sunday...my first half marathon!!!! Whoop whoop!!! I am getting really nervous though...scared that I am not going to have a good run or that my knee is going to start hurting or some other pain is going to arise. I am praying for a great pain free run! I am planning on taking it pretty easy this week. Going to run an easy 3 miler probably on Wednesday and then rest up! :-)
Me and Paige before the race!

Me and LeAnn...who tried to convince me when I first started running to run THIS 10K and I kept telling her there was NO WAY I could run a 10K!!! Thanks for all the encouragement girl!

Decked out in Auburn! WAR EAGLE!!!

Me and Dana...War Eagle!!!

Me and Leah...who I know is reading this!!!! :-)

Paige, Leah, and Me!

Running to the finish line...yes I know I look serious but I promise I was having fun!

Me and Paige before the race!

Me and LeAnn...who tried to convince me when I first started running to run THIS 10K and I kept telling her there was NO WAY I could run a 10K!!! Thanks for all the encouragement girl!

Decked out in Auburn! WAR EAGLE!!!

Me and Dana...War Eagle!!!

Me and Leah...who I know is reading this!!!! :-)

Paige, Leah, and Me!

Running to the finish line...yes I know I look serious but I promise I was having fun!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Rain is ruining my running! I HATE the treadmill! I kept watching the mileage and did NOT enjoy the run. But I did this for Paige...hope you are happy chica! I am actually glad she made me do it. I ran 3.5 miles in about 37 minutes at an average pace of 10:41. Did I say already that I really HATE the treadmill??!!
12 more days until the half!!!
12 more days until the half!!!
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