I met Katrina, Laura, and Christina this morning at 5 for a long run. We planned on doing about 8 miles. We decided to run a different route today too. We met at the Eastern Shore Centre and ran all the way around it. Then we went out on the highway and ran down a service road until it dead ended and back into Timbercreek...a very hilly neighborhood. We didn't run far into Timbercreek though. We finished up the run with another circle around the shopping center. I was having a GREAT run! I ran ahead most of the run. The girls said they were going to get a rope and tie it to me so that I could pull them along lol! Two of them had to stop a couple of times and walk. I am not sure why the run went so well for me but I needed it. Last weekend's 8 miles was HARD for me. It was nice to have one like this! I am not sure what our time was...I know we were under 2 hours.
On another note, Katrina brought us each a "happy" today for helping her out with the Sole2Soul Sisters group. Look at these precious earrings! I love them! Thanks so much Kat!

Now I am going to get ready for Hayden's 5th Birthday Party! I can't believe my first born is 5 already!!!