I finally got my new phone as part of being a Verizon Ambassador! It started out a little rocky though. You see I had to be here when the phone was delivered because it required a signature. I work until 2:00 and usually my FedEx man doesn't arrive until around 4. So I thought for sure I would be home. Nope. Mr FedEx came at 12:45 and guess who wasn't here to sign? :-( So I came home and found the note on my door. It said he would attempt delivery the next day...or I could pick it up at the FedEx store after 7PM that night. Well that's a no brainer...I was going to pick it up at the store! I couldn't wait another minute! Problem...the store was in Mobile about 30 minutes away. And it closed at 7:15PM. No problem. I would be there at 7PM sharp!
Of course then life got in the way. I had a chiropractic appointment at 5:00, the boys still had homework, and dinner was yet to be served. So my sweet, awesome, wonderful husband came to the rescue and went and picked up my phone for me!!!! My hero!
When he makes it home I frantically tear into the box! I cannot wait to see it and hold it! It came in the cutest little box! And it was super shiny and pretty!
But....I was a little scared too. Scared? Why was I scared? Because this girl is an iPhone lover! I was scared to change over to an Android device! The competition! ;-)
I DID love the way it felt and looked in my hand. And I hadn't even turned it on yet!
All I had to do was switch out the Sim Card from my iPhone 5 to the Samsung Galaxy S4. But I soon found out...the Galaxy needed a different sized Sim Card. :-(
It was too late to head to a Verizon store so that became the plan for the next day.
They were awesome at Verizon! The guy remembered me from when I got my iPhone 5. I told him all about being a part of the Verizon Voices program and he was super impressed. It didn't take him any time at all to get a new Sim Card installed. He even switched over all my contacts for me. AND he gave me a tutorial on how to use the phone since I had no clue! I was very impressed with Verizon's awesome customer service!
I've had my phone for a few days now and I'm having a blast with it! It's so different from my iPhone but I'm learning! And I'm loving it so far!
Make sure to check back with me as I learn more about my new phone and the things I like and dislike about it. I can't wait to share everything I learn with you!
QOTD: What kind of phone do you use? Samsung users...tell me any tips and/or features I should know about and must have apps!