My friend Misty came up to me at church last Wednesday night and said she was ready to run her first half marathon!!! I am so excited for her! I told her I would help her in any way. I've already got a training schedule planned for her! I told her we started on Saturday...with 6 miles! She was a little nervous but ready!
So Saturday morning I ran with Misty and two of my other friends, Mindy and Kaysha! It was fun having 4 of us running! We started out a little slow because I wanted to make sure I didn't scare Misty off by running too fast! I wanted her to feel good at the end of the run and like she could have kept going. She needed that boost of confidence because she was nervous that she wouldn't be able to run 6 miles.
The first 3 miles flew by! We were having so much fun running and talking! Talking to each other really helped the miles go by! At the 3 mile mark Mindy dropped water for us. So we stopped for a quick water stop....and Mindy had a surprise. She had ice cold rags for us! They felt soooo good because it was hot and humid that morning!
We started running again and we started to pick up the pace. I kept asking Misty how she was doing and she said great! She was feeling good!
I planned to run a 10K that morning for Jill and Jen's Birthday Bash Virtual Race. So around mile 5.5 I told the girls what I was planning to do. I gave them the option to stop at 6 miles...or run .2 more with me. Guess what they chose? Yep! They ran the .2 with me!
I was so happy for Misty! She did GREAT with her first training run! And to top it all was her birthday too!
After the run we all headed to Chick Fil A to eat some breakfast to celebrate Misty's birthday! Chicken has never tasted so good!!! Don't judge...I totally deserved those Chicken Minis and Hashbrowns!!!
The rest of the day I did some cleaning, some laundry, and then Andy's family came over to celebrate Sawyer's birthday. We went to eat at the Mexican restaurant (his choice) and he told me before we got there that he wanted them to sing to him. But when they came out he totally freaked out! This is the picture I got of him while they were singing...hiding and crying! Poor thing!!!
It took me a while to calm him down and get a decent picture!
He was back to all smiles by the time we got home and he saw presents and cake!!!
And Cullen joined in on the fun too! He had a blast playing and running through the tissue paper!!!
It was a super fun day filled with celebrating several birthdays!!! I loved it!!!
QOTD: What are you training for right now? Birthday singing at it or hate it?