13.1 miles/3:11:36
Average pace- 14:37
Average MOVING pace (per Garmin)- 11:28
Running this race was a super surprise for me! I wasn't planning on running it (although I really wanted to) because it was the weekend before my marathon. My mother-in-law, sister-in-law, and aunt-in-law were all running it again this year. One of the girls that was going with them cancelled and they had an extra ticket to the parks and asked me if I wanted to go. Um...of COURSE I wanted to go!!! It ended up being icing on the cake when I was able to run the race AND go to Disney World! And the next best part...I got to run the entire race with my good friend Stephanie who had moved to Chattanooga 2 months ago! We had a blast! I needed to take it easy since my training only called for 8 miles this weekend. We ran slow, stopped at almost every character stop for pictures, and just had a blast!!! It was amazing! The only down sides were having to weave in and out of all the walkers and the long lines to get your picture taken with the characters. Last year, I was in corral A so I didn't have to weave through walkers or wait in any lines. But that's ok...it was still the BEST RACE EVER!!! So blessed that I got to run it again this year!!! :-)
Here are all the pictures!!!
Me and my sister-in-law Katie right before we left our room to catch the bus to the start line (at 3:30 AM)!
Ready to RUN!!!
Loved this sign telling us where to go (how long we had to walk) after we got off the buses!
Me and Stephanie in our corral before the race started!!!
About to enter The Magic Kingdom!!!
Running through Cinderella's castle is one of the best parts of this race!!!
Alice in Wonderland Crew!
Prince Charming!
The Princess and the Frog!
Princess Aurora (Sleeping Beauty), Sawyer's favorite!
Beauty and the Beast and Gaston!
Love that I got to run this race with Stephanie!!! Miss her so much!
All the princes!!!
Pirates!!! Jack Sparrow of course!
We did it!!! Not my best time for a half but the most fun I've ever had in a race!