OMG! I had sooo much fun today! And I am sooo addicted to this running thing! I am on such a high right now! :-)
Let me tell you how it all began...I rode with my friends LeAnn and Tanyr. They were also doing the 5K where as all my other running buddies were doing the 10K. I was so thankful to have friends to run with! Anyway, on the way there that morning (an early 6:30 AM) we ran over a poor bunny rabbit! It was either hit the car coming directly at us and kill us all or hit the bunny...I am actually quite pleased with LeAnn's decision to hit the bunny lol! We didn't know what this meant...was this some kind of sign? Were we all going to die from exhaustion out there or what??? We got there in plenty of time to make several potty stops and meet up with our 10K friends Katrina, Christina, Laura, Jennifer, and Terry. And let me say right now that Katrina, Christina, and Laura have made it a tradition to run races with their hair in yes I joined in! It was quite fun! Anyway, since their race started 15 minutes before ours we were able to watch our 10K friends start. Then it was our turn. I went into this race knowing I wouldn't be able to run the whole thing and would end up walking some (I thought a lot). I was so proud of myself! I ran and ran and we hit the one mile mark and I thought to myself, "OMG I just ran a mile!" I haven't ran that far yet since I started this running thing! I ran about another 1/2 mile and then stopped for a quick walk to catch my breath. Then I started back up! I ended up only stopping to walk about 3 or 4 times...and one of those times was because I sniffed water up my nose trying to drink and run lol! I was sooo proud of myself for keeping up with LeAnn and Tanyr and for running most of the race instead of the other way around! My time was 36:31!!! I thought that was pretty darn good for my first race ever! I am pretty pleased with myself!!! I can't wait until the next race...which I have decided will be May 1st...the Fiesta of Five Flags 5K in Pensacola!
I had to take a picture of this sign lol!
Me in my pig tails!!!
Christina, Laura, Me, Katrina, Tanyr, and LeAnn...ready to run!
All of us again with Terry and Jennifer added! Right before the race!
Me, LeAnn, and Tanyr at the starting line waiting to run!
The flag was waving right above our heads!
Us at the finish line...yay we made it!!!
All of us after finishing the race!